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Meet The Maker – Koa Organics
All natural, botanically-inspired skincare products. With a love for nature and the outdoors, Michelle Brittain set out to produce botanically-inspired skin products that are 100% natural and organic. Koa Organics...
Introducing Katie from The Well
THE WELL Tea & Tinctures I’m Katie, I am a Naturopath and Herbalist living in Mt Maunganui. I am the founder of THE WELL, which produces a beautiful therapeutic range...
Journaling Prompts for the New Year
Journaling is cleansing for the mind and soul, it helps us to identify our thought patterns and even behaviours allowing us to better understand, acknowledge what’s going on internally. It...
Cut the crap this Christmas
"In the week after Christmas, New Zealanders send 50,000 extra tonnes of waste to landfill. That's enough to fill 14,286 twenty-foot shipping containers, which, if stacked one on top of the other would...
Tune out and tune in. Media fatigue is real.
Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Are you exhausted watching or reaching the news. Tired of hearing about Covid, does the word itself just make you cringe a little. For the past...
What is FemTech? Introducing Kelly, founder of The FemTech Revolution.
Raising the bar for women’s health: The FemTech Revolution The FemTech Revolution is New Zealand’s first and only FemTech marketplace. It’s a marketplace and a forum to discuss and raise...
Meet Jo, the doula.
Have you heard of a Doula? They are very popular in the UK, the States, and Australia, and definitely growing in popularity and understanding of importance here in Aotearoa. A...
Lockdown. Our recommendations.
Lockdown got you down. Not sure what to do with your time. We've collated a few of our favourite things we've come across to share with you incase you're looking...
Nourish Your Body
Looking for something to cook. We have a couple of recipes for you! Scroll on down for our Cacao Rocky Road and Vegetable and Cheddar Loaf. Or check out our range...
Change starts with us.
Papatuanuku, mother nature, our planet, earth…this beautiful place we live. It’s getting covered in waste, we humans create over two billion tonnes of waste annually! That is ‘rubbish’ that is being...
Meet Victoria
Introducing the wonderful Victoria from Wellness Station. Wellness station is located in Marlborough and focuses on wellness, movement & treatment - they offer pilates, yoga, osteopathy, musculoskeletal, ACC and pelvic health...
Why you should choose natural skincare.
Have you ever thought about what you’re putting on your skin? Taken stock of the moisturisers, deodorants, makeups, sunscreens and what is actually in them? We put these things on our...